Monday, May 07, 2007


Moxie =)


Dad and meee.

I just realised I actually haven't written in ages. So much has happened.

Okay so, Muffin my dog died a few months ago. It was for the best.
We got a new kitten, a new addition to the household, not as a replacement. Mum needed an animal around, as company. He and her have a very amazing relationship. His name is Moxie and thats a picture of him up the top there =)

I got a job!!! I work at Pets Paradise. It's wikked.
It has made me realise I am definatly doing Vet Nursing.
I love animals, and want to do something worth while with my life... I really do.
It's going to be hard though.
Very hard.

Having money is so good. I bough my dad a Nintendo Wii as a thankyou. He loves it. I'm pleased.

I have so many clothes and shoes and such, it's really good.
I am such a girl.

The end.

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