Sunday, July 15, 2007

July eh?

It's July, its been ages since I made a post. I don't really have access to a computer very often, and if I do I forget to use it.
So anyways life has changed a bit lately, I'm pretty much staying at my Nana's place at the moment because of work and such, and I stay at Aaron's around four days a week (mainly the weekend). I still see mum and dad though, but because I don't see them as much as I used to I do miss them a lot. It's weird in a way. I miss being able to be myself like I could at home. They are the best parents in the world and even though I don't see them much I constantly think about them, and love them dearly.
On another note, seeing Aaron more than I used to has made me very happy, I love being with him and just being able to be myself. He is amazing and spending more time with him just makes me love him more and more each day. I love that boy.
But with all these changes my emotions have been a bit wobbly. I find that the routine of work sleep and eat gets to me after a little while, but I do love work, and I love the fact that I have found what I want to do with my life, in a way it makes me feel rather secure.
I haven't been feeling very well for the last couple of weeks, maybe I'm a bit run down, but the question is why I'm run down? Perhaps my emotions have gotten the better of me? Although considering how sick I was the last couple of years with migraines and such I have had a pretty good run this year. I don't even think I have had the flu yet. But my headaches have been pretty bad the past few weeks but I think it has something to do with my neck as well.
oh well, life goes on eh?

I bought a Nintendo DS lite on Thursday...impulse buy much?
No no I think It will keep me entertained and give me something productive to do. I haven't really had a chance to play it much yet though.
Aaron just gave me a new mobile, which I will get a sim card for on Thursday, because Thursday is pay day.

What else is new?
not much really, I have spent quite a bit of money on clothes and toiletries lately, but I didn't really have much clothes before and the clothes I did have no longer fit me so there. Thats my excuse... shhh... I love shopping, and clothes and all those wonderful things.

Anyways thats enough for now. Not really interesting but oh well.
I don't really have anything inspirational to say at this point in time. Maybe my words of wisdom are to just go with the flow. I have such control of my life at the moment, that in some ways its too structured. So when you get the chance, let everything go, be happy and just do what you want to do. Because come Monday morning, every thing goes back to normal and you have to fit into that tight little box we call life.


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