Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Okay so there is now three... well two and a half weeks left of this term at TAFE.
I am actually doing really well, have passed two assignments and am waiting on the results for the third. I had my first playgroup last week, and though it was rather overwhelming it was incredibly fun. The children are beautiful and the experience is amazing. I am still constantly working on assignments and studying but I am enjoying (almost) every second of it. Anyways, that's the TAFE update done.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Sometimes things happen whether they are good or bad that change your entire life forever. A part of me died last weekend, and to be honest it's not a bad thing. But a part of me also woke up.
Life is a constant journey... full of choices.
Sometimes we make the right one, sometimes we don't.
In the end we cannot change the past, but we can create our future.

I may expand on this post a bit later... I had a whole inspirational speech... and suddenly I have gone blank


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Jade
A part of me died too. However we have the strength and love to face anything, don't we :)
I love you baby girl.