Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oh wow! I guess it's update time.
I have a rather large sum of information and minimal space and time before I bore you to death. I will try to keep it short and sweet.
Perhaps we could try a report format with headings and such? Here we go...

Well, I have completed and passed my Certificate III in Children's services and am currently studying my Certificate IV which is only a six week course. I finish early December. I have applied to Edith Cowan University to study my Bachelor of education (Kindergarten to seven), I will find out if I am accepted late January/ early February. Very exiting indeed, I am a motivated and driven young lady eh?

I turned eighteen this this month (17th October). How strange that no matter how old you technically become you don't feel any different mentally or emotionally... or physically for that matter. However eighteenth birthdays are meant to be the time when you are finally an adult and can experience ALL of life's guilty little pleasures, not me - I seem to have already seen most of what life has to offer and have 'been there and done that' and am now quite over most of it and am quite happy to get on with my life and focus on my future as opposed to exploring the many flavours of cocktails at the clubs and pubs.

Yes, Aaron and I celebrated our three year anniversary on the 18th September and are still very much in love and going stronger than ever. He is my past, present and my future. He was my knight in shining armor, who has become my prince and some day undoubtedly I will make him my King. I will forever love and cherish you.

Cooking is something I have always really enjoyed doing, it is not a chore to me at all. But only recently my beautiful Aaron has discovered my hidden talent. He now eats my home cooking on a regular basis as opposed to getting fast food. Our friends have also enjoyed diving into my dinners, snacks, desserts and pretty much anything I place before them. I love the feeling when someone really appreciates and complements my recipes, or when then repeatedly ask for me to whip something up on a weekend. I am the domestic goddess!!! haha.

You gain some and you loose some, this is what life is about. The ones that matter stay close while the others fly away in search of greater things. I wish them all the luck in the world. For those who are still around, I cherish every moment spent with you and love you very much.

What can I say, Mama and Daddy are my rocks. They are my support when the world goes dark and I cannot find my way. I have the best relationship with my parents and adore them with all of my heart. I enjoy every conversation and every chance I get to spend with them. Though to many we may seem somewhat dysfunctional - This is where I came from, this is my home within my heart and the place I feel most comfortable. forever. I will never forget everything you have given me or taught me and I believe I will continue to learn from you for many years to come... Just know, no matter what, no one will every break our connection as a family, as friends and as guides through this life.

Caught up? Hopefully.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Aww baby girl, what a beautiful post Jadie. We are so proud of you and love you so much. You girl, are "our" rock. You always have been and always will be. So glad to see a blog update from you sweetheart.
Love you
xxx Mama