Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just a reminder.

Sometimes certain events make you realise where you fit in this world.
Sometimes they are good.
Sometimes they are bad.
But no matter what they are they lead you on your way to becoming who you are, and who you will become.

Treasure your memories, because in the end it's all you have.
of course in the days to come you will experience new things and live different moments, but in the end once the day is over, these things become a thought, a picture, a smell... within your head.
A memory.

Life will never be easy. But you are the only one who can make it what you want.
You are the only one who can change and create your existence.
We all have all the options in the world.
Stay true to yourself, be whoever you want to be.
Aspire to change the world, even if its in the smallest way possible.
Everything adds up in the end.

Appreciate every single person in your life.
Believe it or not, every person you come in contact with will change who you are.
Some people will be a part of who you are.
Make sure everyone knows just how much they mean to you.
Don't put it off, you may never get the chance again.

Take chances.
You never know how beautiful some things can turn out to be.
Taking a chance is not a waste of time.
It is a step forward.
If it doesn't work out, its another experience you may never forget.

Never let anyone tell you something is impossible.
They are lying.
Everything is possible if you truly believe in it.
Always believe, even if it just makes you smile.

This is life.
live it.

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